Author Archives: IT Edvance

[News] Green Radar has received an ‘’ rating in Z-ONE’s “China Cybersecurity Tech Business Rating”

We are thrilled to announce that Green Radar has received a business maturity rating of “” in the latest China Cybersecurity Tech Business Rating (Hong Kong Business Rating) released by Z-ONE, a leading market research and accelerator institution specializing in the cybersecurity industry.

This recognition reflects our ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional cybersecurity solutions, and being a trusted partner in the Hong Kong market. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our clients, partners, and dedicated team for their continued trust and support. This achievement inspires us to keep innovating and providing top-tier cybersecurity services in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

To learn more about the rating, please download the report here:

About “China Cybersecurity Tech Business Rating” by Z-ONE:
Z-ONE provides business ratings and insights based on their research on the business practices and market feedback of China cybersecurity technology vendors.

The rating reports issued by Z-ONE reflect the current opinion on the overall business competence of China cybersecurity technology vendors. Business maturity is defined as an entity’s capacity to fulfill its contracts, technical and service support, as well as its local market endorsement. The ratings do not encompass any other risks, including but not limited to, risks arising from changes in market and technology, international exchange rates, legal policies, and geopolitical fluctuations.

For details of the Rating Report, please visit Z-ONE website:

China Cybersecurity Tech Business Rating Index (HK SAR, China) (released on 6 Jan 2025):

[News] Green Radar Partner Award 2024 Announcement

We are thrilled to announce the Green Radar Partner Awards, celebrating the exceptional efforts and achievements of our partners in 2024!  A heartfelt thank you to all our partners for your dedication and collaboration. Your hard work drives our success, and we are proud to recognize your accomplishments across various categories.

As we move forward, let’s continue to grow together, innovate, and make a difference in the industry. Here’s to building on our successes and reaching new heights together! 🚀

Company Awards:

  • Partner of the Year (HKT Enterprise Solutions)
  • Top Partner Enterprise Business (CITIC Telecom International CPC)
  • Top MSP Partner (Superhub Ltd)

  • Best Strategic Partner (Fujifilm BI Hong Kong)
  • Partner Excellence (Macro Systems Group)
  • Elite Rising Star (Konica Minolta Hong Kong)

Individual Awards:

  • Top Leader Award (Chesterfield Jan, HKT Limited)
  • Star Outstanding Achievement (Tammy Wu, HKT Limited)
  • The Growth Booster (Chris Tang, CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited)
  • The Growth Booster (Louis Lee, Macro Systems Limited)
  • The Growth Booster (Karson Kong, Superhub Limited)
  • The Growth Booster (Aiden Chem, Superhub Limited)
  • Elite Achievement Award (Jerry To, CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited)
  • Elite Achievement Award (Mirko Lau, HKT Limited)
  • The Iron Man (Connie Tsoi, Konica Minolta Business Solutions (HK) Limited)
  • The Iron Man (Snowie Lam, Superhub Limited)



[Event] edvance TechFORWARD 25 – Leading the Way: Proactive Protection in a Changing World

Green Radar was honored to participate in Edvance Technology TechFORWARD 25 to be held on 29 November 2024, one of the premier cybersecurity events of the year! During our speaking slot, Mr. Kenneth Ma, Executive Vice President, Sales, introduced our Cybersecurity Awareness Training Platform and shared insights on how organizations can proactively strengthen their defenses through enhanced awareness and training programs.

It was an incredible experience to connect with industry professionals, share insights, and discuss how organizations can proactively enhance their security posture through effective awareness training.

A big thank you to Edvance for organizing such an impactful event, and to everyone who visited our booth and joined our session. Let’s continue working together to build a more secure digital future!

[Event] Customer Villa Navin Pattaya Outing Trip

Green Radar, together with our Thailand partner Monster Connect, successfully co-hosted a 2-day Customer Villa outing trip at Navin Pattaya, Thailand on 22 – 23rd November 2024! The trip was a fantastic opportunity to strengthen relationships with our valued customers. Attendees experienced live demonstrations of Green Radar’s cutting-edge solutions and participated in engaging team-building activities. We also enjoyed cooking meals together, fostering a sense of collaboration.

A big thank you to everyone who joined us — your enthusiasm made this event a success! We look forward to more memorable experiences together.



[網上研討會] 提升員工網路安全意識,避免成為下一個受害者


立即重溫 Green Radar 網上研討會,共同探討如何能迅速有效地增強員工的網絡安全意識:

  • 員工在企業安全中的重要角色
  • 如何建立有效的安全意識培訓計劃
  • Green Radar 釣魚演練方案介紹
  • Green Radar 網絡安全培訓平台介紹及示範


[Event] CITIC Telecom International CPC Solutions Day 2024

We were thrilled to take part in CITIC Telecom International CPC‘s Solutions Day on 18 October 2024, themed “From +AI to AI+ Flying to New Altitudes.”
During the event, Green Radar’s representative, CK Mak, delivered an engaging presentation on “Data Security Readiness for Today’s +AI Era,”. He shared insights on leveraging our robust cybersecurity awareness training platform to empower your team with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the evolving landscape of the +AI era.
A big thank you to everyone who visited our booth. Let’s stay ahead in the +AI era together!

[Event] Green Radar x Superhub Networking Event

We had a fantastic time co-hosting a customer networking event with Superhub on 17 October 2024! Thank you to Superhub and everyone who joined us, making it an insightful and successful event.
At the event, Superhub provided insights on cybersecurity trends, while Green Radar highlighted the importance of employee cybersecurity awareness in building a secure workplace. We also showcased our grAssessment training platform, designed to enhance your team’s security skills through engaging and practical learning experiences.
Let’s create a safer digital environment together!

[Event] AVM Cloud Solutions Grand Prix 2024

Green Radar participated in the “AVM Cloud Solutions Grand Prix 2024” in Malaysia on 2 Oct 2024, collaborating with our trusted distributor, Enzo Plus Sdn Bhd. This event provided an incredible opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge email security solutions and connect with industry peers. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who visited us and to Enzo Plus for their invaluable partnership!

[Event] Green Radar x Cyber Defense Thailand Customer Networking Event

Green Radar has co-hosted a successful customer networking event with Cyber Defense in Thailand on 20 September 2024. We were thrilled to see so many of our valued customers join us for an engaging and insightful day. The event was a fantastic opportunity for networking and sharing industry insights. Jimmy Chan, Regional Channel Sales Director, ASEAN, introduced advanced email security solutions, highlighting the importance of staying protected in today’s digital landscape.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the customers who participated and contributed to the vibrant discussions. Your presence made the event truly special. A special thank you to our partner, Cyber Defense, for co-hosting and organizing this wonderful event. Your support and collaboration were instrumental in its success.

We look forward to more opportunities to connect and collaborate with you all in the future!

Beware of Phishing Attacks using deceptive multi-layer Google URLs redirections

Recently, Green Radar SOC observed a notable surge in sophisticated phishing schemes using Google redirect URLs to bypass traditional email gateways. These links exploit Google’s trusted domain to evade reputation-based filters. Additionally, layered redirects add complexity, making it challenging for both users and security systems to trace the final destination of the links.

Below is one of the scenarios to show how it works:

  1. Deceptive Email: A user received an email pretending a normal Microsoft 365 password expiration notification
  2. Complex Redirects: The link contains multiple layers of Google redirect URLs. Upon clicking the link, users are redirected through these layers.
  3. reCAPTCHA Disguise: The initial Google link redirects to a seemingly harmless reCAPTCHA protection URL before ultimately leading to a malicious phishing site. This chain makes it harder for security gateways to detect the threat, and increase the likelihood that users will trust the domain.
  4. Credential Theft: The final phishing site prompts users to log in, aiming to steal their sensitive credentials.


Detecting redirections can be challenging to a user, as initial URL may appear authentic. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, making it essential for organizations to maintain high vigilance. By understanding sophisticated techniques like multi-layer Google redirect phishing, staying informed, and implementing robust security measures, we can better protect ourselves and our systems from potential breaches.